Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Recently Declassified: 1945 airplane gun camera footage from Japan

Declassified 1945 Airplane Gun Camera Footage from Japan
I'm a history buff of WWII and I found this footage extremely interesting.  The video puts you in the pilot seat of the aircraft, and for a moment you can almost imagine yourself in the plane, which is a very scary thought.  A very moving video.

200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes

200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes by Professor Hans Rosling

This is an amazingly interesting video.  Hans Rosling, a superstar of statistics and mathematics in England sheds light on the past and future of our world in the eye of human beings.  He takes the viewer through a ride over 200 years of human population from 200 countries. 

Bibi Aisha's Tormentor Captured by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon

One of Bibi Aisha's Tormentors Captured
-The Daily Beast

One of the most repulsive crimes I have ever heard of is one step closer to bringing the culprits to justice.  "Afghan police in the Chora district of Uruzgan province recently arrested the young woman’s father-in-law, Sulaiman, on charges stemming from his involvement in Aisha’s maiming last summer." 

I recently read a book by Hirsi Ali called Infidel, and after reading it I don't find this atrocity that surprising.  To most middle-east families and to all orthodox Muslims family honor is of utmost importance, their values and upbringing are taught to the children in a way that preaches hatred of Western culture.  They are not subtle about their hatred and the women are especially caught in an abusive and oppressive society in which they have no power to get out of.  Knowing this I can say I am not surprised.

U.S.: Accused teen hit man in Mexico is an American citizen

Teen hit man slays four people is an American citizen 
by the CNN staff

A truly outrageous story.  A 14-year-old boy was caught and accused of slaying four members of a Mexican drug cartel in New Mexico city.  The video in the link shows what seems to be a calm child being removed from the scene by special law enforcement and being flooded with questions by the media.  The way he answers them is what shocked me the most, he was so casual.  Watch the video!

Nigeria's Hunt for Dick Cheney by Pratap Chatterjee

Nigeria's Hunt for Dick Cheney - The Daily Beast

"Cheney is going to JAIL!  Finally...oh wait, no...shit.", that was my reaction to reading this article.
When I first started reading I was enthralled, overjoyed even.  However as I read on it occurred to me that he is not going to be the man who serves time for any crimes committed, and by the end of the article Chatterjee confirmed it.  The man is too powerful to go to prison for something like bribery. 

Punching Back at WikiLeaks by Howard Kurtz

Punching Back at WikiLeaks by Howard Kurtz

The WikiLeaks scandal is continually escalating, but it seems for now Julian Assange is safe.  The article explains a lot so you should definitely read it, but the main points I got from it are this:

Whatever the different Governments would like to do to Assange whether it be assassinate him, put him in jail, execute him, or have WikiLeaks shut down, they will not be able to because of our right to freedom of press.  It is clearly going to be a hard case to argue.  The author Howard Kurtz says, "...the Justice Department will be hard pressed to prosecute Assange without posing a chilling threat to press freedom."  Meanwhile Assange "...dismissed the idea that he was jeopardizing lives as 'nonsense.'" 

WikiLeaks' Julian Assange on TED

Julian Assange on TED

*Maybe a few spoilers below*

Julian Assange talks on TED about why the world needs Wikileaks.  I won't spoil the video for you, however I'll extend a quote.  During the interview the panelist shows a leaked video of soldiers mowing down over 11 innocent people in their Black Hawk helicopter in a barrage of bullets, you can hear the soldiers laughing about it seconds after everyone is dead.  The interviewer then asks Julian how he would respond to the many parents of soldiers who say their children are not like that, and that showing the video wrongly depicts the attitudes of US soldiers in Iraq, he said that, "...the people in Baghdad, the people in Iraq, the people in Afghanistan, that they don't need to see the video, they see it everyday, so it's not going to change their opinion it's not going to change their perception, that's what they see every day, it will change the perception and opinion of the people that are paying for it all. And that's our hope."  I noticed also the crowd was mostly against Julian, many thought of him as a "trouble-maker".  Enjoy!